Tuesday, August 14, 2007

coffee in vienna

hello ! i made it to vienna late yesterday afternoon. ive been siteseeing this morning. and then had lunch on the terrace overlooking mozarts park. it was beautiful. another day of perfect weather. it was great. i had an herb salad and glass of rose wine topped with fruit icecream... the high life. im on my way to a concert and then finish the evening at the coffee house.

off to salzburg tomorrow.

Post Trip ! I didn't make it to the coffee house as planned. I couldn't find the right street.

** pic captions: those street musicans in Vienna were excellent.. they were probably trying to earn money for lessons at the conservatory =). Everything in Vienna was also " mostly Mozart"

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey Tricia,
Really enjoying your travels. Obviously, you forgot to take me with you!
Where are the pictures?
Karen N.