Thursday, July 21, 2011

How to get to Monet Gardens from Paris

Bonjour! I have included photos below. The first time I went to the gardens with my Mom we took the Fat Tire Bike tours. It was an excellent tour but this time it was raining so I decided to do it on my own. I looked up Rick Steves and took this directions. However, I find sometimes photo help more than words. This trip is July 2011 - so things can change. Let me know if this is helpful.
Go to the Gar St. Lazare station in Paris. You'll need to go up to the street level and go into the SNCF office to buy a ticket. Then go into the big station and look for the board - ask the clerk for a brochure with train times. You'll want the Rouen - bound train. When it flips up on the board go to that track. There will also be a listing there with the different stops for that train. Then validiate your tickets!!!!!!! And hop on!.
When they announce Vernon station get off and you'll see some signs. Go through the station and there are taxis, bikes to rent, or a shuttle bus. I took the shuttle bus because it had been a bit rainy. 4 euro round trip - be sure to keep your ticket. If you take a bike be sure to get a map so that you can find your way back through the town to the station. It's about a 10 min ride. When you get off the bus there is a quick side path to a bust of Monet off in the woods. Then follow people along a path to rue Claude Monet - then down to the house. They have his home studio set up inside and the gardens and pond well tended. It's beautiful. Also there are other galleries, cafes, B&Bs and hotels on this road. Be sure to remember how to get back to the bus. Turn in by the tourist office and cross the street to return by bus. Also take an hour to walk around Vernon. It's very French and not touristity. Enjoy! Bon Voyage! Tricia

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